Monday, 31 January 2011

Glass in 3-D Max

Firstly I created a simple wall shape and then went onto the material editor settings and changed the colour to blue, and changing the opacity from 100 down to 40 to make it more transparent like glass. To make sure it was transparent I put the a sphere shape behind the wall to see if I could see it throught the wall. I could so it worked, then I rendered the image.

Moulding objects in 3-D Max

Started off by making a box in 3-D Max and making a grid in the box from which the box culd bet altered and re-aranged.

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Creating a 3-D house

 I started off by creating a small house structure in the program called 3-D Max, I made 2 walls first one length wall and one witdh wall. Then I added the windows to do that I made a box go 2 boxes go through the longer wall, then selected the wall where I wanted the windows and selected the compound objects menu. Next by clicking on pick Operand B then just clicking on the boxes going through the wall, which deleted them making holes in the wall.

Then I went about copying the 2 walls by going to the "select and move" button and then selecting one wall at a time holding the Shift key and then draging the wall out to make a duplicate of it. After I had all 4 walls Imade a floor by making a flat surface and then re-sizeing it to fit the house. Here is a screenprint of the house