Tuesday 8 February 2011

Making a vase and tube

Firstly I made a cylinder in 3D Max I then went to the menu shapes > lines and maximized the viewport toggle so I could see the grid full screen. I went about drawing half a vase with a straight line down the middle, ater I went to modify > lathe > axis and by sliding the middle around I was able to create a basic vase.

It looked a bit rough so I went about smoothing by going back the full view mode and line > segment > then drag over the segments > right click and choose smooth.

Here is a screen of the smoothed down version, the way my vase looks reminds me of the breakable vases from the Spyro PS1 game series.

Finnaly I made a bsic tube shape I maximized the viewport toggle and then drew I stright line across the middle, then exited that view and went to another one and drew a circle shape. I exited that and went to compound objects > loft > select path or shape, I choose select path and then clicked on the straight line I made orginally with the circle object selected so it created a shape along the path.

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